The Outline for the Workshop is:
Working with the Silver Blue Flame and its directives:
- Come under the Direct Guidance of El Morya
- Right use of the Will
- Purification of the Ego
- Resolution of Karmic Situations
- Resolving Karma along the timeline
- Acknowledging Contracts and their benefits
- Releasing timely completed Contracts
- Releasing past attachments
- Clarity and Insight
- Removes Alien Implants
- Opens the throat chakra to Divine Will communication and channelling
- Speaking your truth, fulfilling your Destiny
- Freedom – Inner Peace
You will receive:
- The Tristar Symbol which includes 3 element symbols for your use, with instruction
- Initiation directly downloaded from El Morya
- Sonic Codes to fine tune and align you
- Initiation process to lift Karmic Contracts and Situations ready to be dispersed
- Raise your Vibrational Frequency to a Higher Level
- Conscious understanding of your life to this moment
- Detachment – from drama
- Letting go of control patterns and outmoded beliefs through Divine Will
- Understanding how and why implants are permitted
- Meditations to integrate and understand the Silver Blue Flame and El Morya
- Time for you to Re-Align- Design – Create
- Manual for the Silver Blue Flame and its use
- Certificate of Level 11 completion