The 7 Week Chakra Initiation Program

The Gentle Healing Power of Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki Training Courses

Reiki is a complementary non-invasive healing technique which brings deep relaxation and releases stress. It promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki is channelled through the Healer directly from Source and it can be given hands on through clothing or directed into the aura / energy field. It can also be sent long distance by Reiki 11 practitioners. It is safe to give Reiki alongside conventional medical treatments. It addresses issues in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels promoting balance and well being 

Therapies - In Person and Online

Feature Course - The 7 Week Chakra Initiation Program

On Sale Now £49.00

  • Join us on an Initiation through the Chakras.
  • Balance and Re-program the Chakras.
  • 13 Module Course.
  • The Online Program is complete with quizzes to help you learn.
  • Learn how to create a Sacred Space.
  • Learn about: The Chakra’s, Chi and Meditation.
  • This Course with support your: Self – Development, listening to your intuition and recognising synchronicities.
  • Positive Affirmations for each chakra that have also been programmed into the chakra meditations.
  • The Stellar Gateway.
  • Crystal recommendations for each chakra and a “Chakra Crystal Layout” included.
  • 7 Guided Meditations in MP3 format 3hrs 18 mins listening time. Downloadable Meditations and 74 page PDF Course Manual
  • Complete the Course Online and Download the content onto your device.
  • Watch the Video Introduction and view the full course. 

My Skills

I am a Medium and Teacher in modalities of Vibrational Healing including Reiki, Crystals, Sound, Coaching and Channelling the Ascended Masters.

I have been actively developing my skills over the last 35 years my main focus has been in all areas of healing and mediumship. Wether I am giving Reiki or a Reading, my guides and your loved ones, come and talk with me with a loving message for you. We are always looked after by our Guardian Angels and Loved Ones.

As a professional therapist I have practised and taught many Courses, in the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and The Netherlands.

Courses Created:
Reiki Crystal RayReiki Sound Ray, El Morya and the Silver Blue Flame, St Germain and the Violet Flame

My Qualifications

Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Past Life Regression
Crystal Healing
Sound Healing
Aura Soma Therapist
Colour Therapist
Spiritual Coaching
Reiki Drum
Holy Fire Reiki

Dee Banton - My Mission Statement

Welcome and thank you for browsing my website. The Spiritual Path is one of patience and understanding, being kind to yourself and all Beings whilst holding love and compassion in your heart. I am totally dedicated to my healing activity, I love giving healing, teaching, sharing and supporting you. I Am my Authentic Self and I feel very blessed to have come to this place within myself. I know that we all have the healing gift and the loving supportive feeling in our hearts. We just need to take the time for ourselves to gain that inner connection which brings inner peace and harmony in our lives.

I enjoy the process of meeting and talking with people, and I am very interested your story. By my years of experience, I know the patterns and problem areas, as they are presented in people lives. This gift and knowledge enables me to support my clients in their speedy recover to enjoy a happy healthy life.

My  35 years’ experience and training, enable me to  recognise people’s patterns, both logically and energetically, enabling me to identify the root cause,  supporting each person on their healing path to empowerment.

Meet Your Teacher

Taking time out for yourself for healing, a reading or training will reward and benefit YOU!

I did not realise that I had natural healing abilities, that I was a gifted medium, or that I could hear my guides talking to me,  until I began my journey. Most of us receive a wake up call which can be ill health, trauma, loss etc; which causes us to look for help or another alternative to medication.

I began as a spiritual healer and six years later in 1995 I took my Reiki 1.  I hardly knew then how this would transform my life on every level. I have trained and developed my intuitive and healing skills, I am a medium, and just love every day of my life. You too, can connect with your gifts, just begin with that first step, do something different, ask for help, go to holistic fayre or Crystal Shop. Allow the Universe to guide you!

My Healing Process

After being diagnosed with emphysema and M.E at the age of 32, and being supplied with permanent medication, I was told that by the time I was 40 I would be on an oxygen bottle. That was my turning point in life, I visited a kinesiologist whom set me on the path of self -care, and joined a healing group.  I gave up drinking and smoking and became vegan, all within a short period of time. It was not easy, but I have enjoyed the process, the ups and downs, the healing and learning, and most of all getting to know and love myself and my I Am Presence. I healed and evolved very quickly over the next 8 years and at 40, a chest x-ray showed, the emphysema had healed leaving some minor scaring on the lungs. 

During my healing period I was blessed to have more time with my 2 beautiful boys! Time to enjoy their childhood, and re-live my own childhood, this was a very special time of healing for me. I now know what my bodies need, and understand there is always a process to go through when healing, the key is to embrace it and work through it, knowing you are supported by your guides, angels and masters, every step of the way.


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