St Germain is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray of Ceremony and Ritual, also known as the Ray of Freedom. All healers are governed under this ray.

This is the Ray of conscious invocation and is now active on the earth, by which the quality of energy is changed and negative energy can be consumed. It is the predominant vibration for the next 2000 years, the second coming of the Golden Age, the  Cycle of Aquarius. 

Saint Germain’s work for the freedom of mankind began seventy thousand years ago, He with beloved Lady Master Nada have brought many civilisations to their height. Saint Germain has worked for the freedom of mankind for over 70,000 years and could have Ascended many times but chose to stay in the body as he could learn, and transform lives in the physical form, and be off assistance whilst in the body.

During his time in incarnations his work has been focused on the human and physical realm, and his work brought about the activity of the “I AM” Instruction and  “The Violet Flame”  This important work has been the protection, purification and enlightenment of the people.

Saint Germain was crowned May 1, 1954, and officially assumed the responsibilities as the Director for the new cycle of two thousand years on the Seventh Ray. This coronation gave Him the authority to increase an understanding of the presence and power of the Violet Ray and Flame as well as that of Freedom.

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