Paul the Venetian is the Chohan of the Third Ray the Pink Ray which is attributed to Love and Devotion.

Through love and gratitude you will attract Paul and the pink ray magnetically. Attracting into your life love and abundance, by recognising your blessings they will be magnified.

Paul the Venetian guards the Liberty Flame the Pink Flame of Love and the service. The flame is to liberate and develop the natural talents and power of individuals and to express beauty.  So that the perfection of the Christ – Self is made manifest.

At his Chateau du Liberte in Southern France, Paul is host to accomplished artists, or all creative subjects.  He welcomes all whom work constructively for the good of all and will support you in developing your latent talents. Call Him, light a candle, say a prayer of gratitude and give thanks for every little thing in your life. You will see the blessing already with you, and magnetize many more.

Paul lived many lives before He ascended from the Château de Liberté on April 19, 1588. Paul was incarnated in Atlantis and served in the government of cultural affairs and later in Egypt. This is where his architectural design, embodied the sacred design structure for love and development of the Christ – Self. He was well know in his last life as Paolo Veronese who was one of the major artists of the 16th-century Venetian school.

As with all Masters, you may ask him to take you to his retreat at night whilst you sleep for healing or to develop your talents. When disease has been stuck in the body we can all on Paul to help us heal.

His etheric retreat: Chateau du Liberte in Southern France

Read about Serapis Bey the Chohan of the 4th Ray

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