There are seven rays each governed by an Ascended Master, the Master of each ray are known as Chohans of the Ray. Chohan literally means Chief or Lord in Sanskrit. A Chohan is a spiritual leader in an Ascended State, after achieving so much for their contribution to mankind and the earth.
The Qualities of the the Ray
The qualities of that Ray and the Masters Loving support enfolds us, even if we are totally unaware the masters never give up on us. As we have free will the Masters cannot interfere with our path. Invoking the Masters to be with us and guide us, as with the Angels, brings us a deeper sense of peace and knowing that everything is in Divine Order. If you have a favourite colour it is likely due to the fact that you connecting with the energy and ray of your master. At the ages of 28 and 56, some of us change Masters and begin learning new lessons or working through Karma. If we do remain with the same Master then we have an intensification of the lessons and ray of the Master directing us.
We learn from the Ascended Masters and thier Seven Rainbow Rays, we learn to embody the Divine Qualities that will make us whole.
The Chohans of each ray are:
El Morya is the Chohan of the First Ray
Ray Colour: Blue
Attributes of the first ray are: Divine Will, faithfulness and Divine Power.
El Morya says ‘Thy Will not My Will’
The blue is connected to power and the blue flame, in the three fold flame of the heart.
Lord Lanto is the Chohan of the Second Ray
Ray Colour: Gold/Yellow
Attributes of the second ray are: Illumination – Love Wisdom
The gold is connected to wisdom and the gold flame of the three fold flame of the heart.
Paul the Venetian is the Chohan of the Third Ray
Ray Colour: Pink
Attributes of the third ray are: Divine Love – Creativity
The pink is connected with the pink flame of the three fold flame of the heart.
Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray
Ray Colour: White
Attributes of the fourth ray are: Purity – Harmony – Discipline
Hilarion is the Chohan of the Fifth Ray
Ray Colour: Green
Attributes of the fifth ray are: Truth and Healing
Lady Nada is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray
Ray Colour: Purple and Gold
Attributes of the sixth ray are: Peace – Administration – Service
Lady Nada teaches us the path of Christhood through ministration and service to life.
Saint Germain is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray
Ray Colour: Violet/ Purple
Attributes of the seventh Ray: Ceremony and Ritual
St Germain gave us the violet flame for our Transformation.
Read about El Morya the Chohan of the first Ray