Ascended Lady Master Nada is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray the violet/gold ray attributed to the activities of Devotion, Ministration and Peace. The Ascended Master Jesus was the Chohan of this ray until his elevation to the office of World Teacher. Jesus resumed the office of World Teacher with Ascended Master Kuthumi in January, 1956. The Ascended Lady Master Nada now holds the office of Chohan of the Sixth Ray. 

Lady Nada Ascension

Before her ascension Lady Nada had already assisted many civilizations in obtaining greater heights. She worked with St Germain in the Sahara Civilization seventy thousand years ago. Lady Nada made her ascension seven hundred years before the Master Jesus. Lady Nada built a tremendous momentum in the Pink Flame of Divine Love. Nada is a member of the Karmic Board representing the Third Ray of Love. Her great momentum of service and love now pours forth through the Sixth Ray. Her elec- tronic pattern (forcefield) is that of a pink rose. 

Lady Nada will assist you

Students may call on Nada to obtain assistance in healing. She is one of the Ascended Beings who directs healing rays to mankind. She said that many people had physical abnormalities in the functions of the body of which they were not aware. We can call on her to enfold us in her great substance of divine love. One can feel more comfortable when experiencing cold temperatures by asking to be enfolded in her pink flame of love. 

Lady Nada’s service to mankind is to amplify the good and the talents in others. Pouring love to the flame in their hearts and magnetizing and drawing forth the divine plan of that life-stream. She will render that same service to the students now. You may call on Her to help with the correcting of bad habits or substances such as drugs, nicotine, eating meat and other substances. This call may also be made on behalf of others, we can always call for the perfection of other individuals. The Cosmic Being Victory ren- ders the same service. Therefore it is recommended, to call on both Ascended Beings at the same time, for added mo- mentum. 

Lady Master Nada had an embodiment as a priestess in Atlantis serving the Temple of Love. Another lifetime she assisted oppressed people in her profession as a lawyer, seeking justice for those in need. In her last embodiment Nada was trained by the Great Being Charity who taught her how to render service. Nada did this by pouring the love from her heat to the hearts of those in her family whilst they slept. Whenever the Being came to her there would be a fragrance of roses and music. Nada became known as the “Selfless One.”

The Temple of Divine Love was patterned after a rose; each petal was a room. It still exists today, in the etheric realm, above New Bedford. 

Read about St Germain the Chohan of the Seventh Ray

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