Ascended Master Hilarion is the Chohan of the fifth ray, the green or, emerald ray which is attributed to Science, Truth and Healing. He is a great influence of those with a scientific mind, teachers of truth, missionaries, those practising the healing arts, computers and technology, to name a few.

The truth is pure and overseeing nature and the creatures of the earth where his green ray envelopes you, especially in the connection with Trees. Take an offering to your favourite tree ask to enter the aura of this magnificent ancient tree, a being of wisdom and here you be held in the Emerald Ray of Hilarion. Your energy-field will be cleansed and your mental body aligned.

Hilarion is considered a ‘Saint’ within the I Am movement of the Ascended Master Teachings. With the assistance of Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, Hilarion and other priests built the Temple of Truth on Crete which took many embodiments. Together with other individuals, they transported the flame of truth along with artifacts of the Temple of Greece,  a short time before the sinking of the continent.

The Ascended Master Hilarion will assist anyone who sincerely wants to know truth. Healing is another of his in- terests. Hilarion enjoys assisting medical researchers in alle- viating pain and suffering, He likes to assist skeptics, atheists and the disillu- sioned. He is very successful in again instilling, in them, a faith in God and the I AM.

In biblical times he was known as Saul of Tarsus, who became the apostle Paul after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

His retreat on the Etheric in the Temple of Truth near Crete.

Read about Lady Nada the Chohan of the Sixth Ray

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